Post-operative Instructions for Fillings

Your tongue, lips, gum, cheek, the roof of your mouth may be numb. It may take up to 1-3 hours for the numbing effect to go away.  Avoid drinking or eating any hot foods or drinks for several hours until the numbing has completely worn off to prevent them from burning your tongue, gums, cheeks, or lips.  Avoid chewing until the numbness has completely worn off to prevent biting your tongue, cheeks, or lips. You can chew with your fillings as soon as the numbing wears off. 

It is normal to experience sensitivity after a filling has been placed. It is not uncommon to see a patient experience sensitivity to cold, hot, or pressure after treatment has been completed. Post-op sensitivity can last from days to weeks and, in some cases, could last months. 

If your fillings feel uneven, bumpy, or rough, please return to our office so we can adjust your restorations.  Leaving your fillings uneven for a long time will lead to pain and possible fracture unless they are adjusted. If you have continuous pain or sensitivity to cold or hot increases, please contact InStyle Dental.

Post-operative Instructions for Deep Cleaning

Congratulations, your teeth are now cleaner and brighter!  Avoid chewing and eating on the treated teeth for 2-3 hours following your deep cleaning or until your numbing wears off. Do not eat hard foods (examples: corn nuts, popcorn, chips) for 2-3 days. Resume your normal oral hygiene routine that same night.  Do not smoke for 2-3 days after your deep cleaning.  Use over-the-counter medication (Tylenol, Ibuprofen) to reduce post-operative discomfort. 

If you have post-operative sensitivity to cold, begin using Sensodyne toothpaste regularly to reduce cold sensitivity. You can expect to feel results from Sensodyne in about 3-6 weeks.  Please contact InStyle Dental if your discomfort continues or if swelling should arise.

Post-operative Instructions for Children’s Crowns

Children's crowns have been cemented on your child's tooth to prevent further infection or decay on that specific tooth.  The cement takes about 12 hours to set fully.  A soft diet is recommended for the rest of the day.  Soft Jell-O, soft mash potato, yogurt are great soft foods.  Stay away from consuming hot liquids to allow the soft tissues surrounding the tooth to heal properly.  Stay away from sticky foods, sticky candies, lollipops, gum to prevent the crown from coming off.  It is not uncommon for the tissues surrounding the crown to be red or irritated for a few days; salt water rinses may be performed. If there is no discomfort, brush crown gently, resume normal brushing and flossing the following day if the pain has subsided. The crown placed on your child's baby tooth will eventually fall out and be replaced by a permanent tooth.

Post-operative Instructions for Crowns and Bridges

Crowns and bridges are completed in multiple appointments.  Your first visit will consist of preparing the tooth or teeth for a crown or bridge.  First, your teeth will be numbed. Your lips, tongue, and roof of the mouth may be numb. The tooth/teeth will then be prepared for a crown or bridge.  The next step will be to obtain an impression of your teeth.  The impression will then be shipped to a dental laboratory, where it could take 10-14 business days for your crown/ bridge to be completed.  After your tooth (teeth) has been prepared and your impression has been taken, a temporary crown/bridge will be made to fit your tooth/teeth until we are able to place your permanent crown/bridge. 

After the temporary crown/bridge has been placed, avoid eating sticky or hard foods to prevent you from fracturing or breaking your temporary crown or bridge.  If possible, please do not eat or chew with your temporary crown or bridge. 

If you dislodge your temporary crown or bridge, please return to InStyle Dental to have it re-cemented.  If you are unable to visit our office, a temporary solution is to re-cement your temporary crown or bridge with fluoride toothpaste.  Fluoride toothpaste serves as a great temporary cement substitution for your temporary crown or bridge. Within hours, the toothpaste will harden and keep the temporary crown or bridge in place, and the fluoride will help protect your tooth from sensitivity. 

It is normal to feel some temperature and pressure sensitivity after a crown or bridge has been initiated or completed. The sensitivity should decrease in a few weeks after the placement of the permanent crown or bridge. Mild over-the-counter pain medications may be used to reduce tenderness after the treatment has been completed. You can take 600 mg of ibuprofen every 6-8 hours as needed to reduce tenderness after your crown or bridge has been completed. If pain, swelling, fever occurs and cannot be controlled, please contact InStyle Dental or visit your emergency care clinic.

Post-operative Instructions for Root Canals

Finally, your root canal has been completed! However, your tooth is not fully restored yet. A temporary material (temporary filling or temporary crown) has been placed to seal or cover your tooth. It is not recommended to chew or eat on the side with the treated tooth until the tooth is completely restored.  If a temporary filling was placed, it would remain soft, like gum, for about 2-3 hours. Within that time, it is recommended to stay on a cool liquid diet to allow for the temporary filling to be fully set. The temporary filling or temporary crown will need to be restored with a permanent restoration (crown or filling) within the next 30 days to prevent re-contamination and reduce the risk of fracturing your tooth. 

You may continue your normal flossing and brushing routine. Always floss downward into the gums and pull floss sideways to prevent dislodging the temporary crown or temporary material. In certain cases, the dentist might give you specific instructions not to floss. 

If you dislodge your temporary filling or crown, please return to InStyle Dental to have it replaced.  If you are unable to visit our office, a temporary solution is to re-cement your temporary crown with fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride toothpaste serves as a great temporary cement for your temporary crown. Within hours, the toothpaste will harden and keep the temporary crown in place, and the fluoride will help protect your tooth from sensitivity. 

It is normal to experience post-operative inflammation of the tooth after root canal therapy has been completed. Post-operative inflammation can increase 2-3 days after your treatment. Tenderness and aching are normal and can be controlled with over-the-counter medication.  If it is mild discomfort, please take 600 mg of ibuprofen every 6-8 hours as needed.  Please take 600 mg of ibuprofen with 500 mg of acetaminophen (Tylenol) every 6-8 hours as needed for moderate-severe discomfort. 

If pain, swelling, fever occurs and cannot be controlled, please contact InStyle Dental or visit your emergency care clinic.

Post-operative Instructions for Extractions

Make every effort to keep your fingers and tongue away from the open socket. Avoid smoking for at least 24 hours, as this slows the healing process. Avoid drinking carbonated beverages and drinking from a straw until the wound has healed. Do not rinse your mouth and or spit for at least six hours.

Bleeding in small amounts is normal and to be expected following an extraction. Using the 2x2 gauze given to you, keep gentle biting pressure over the wound for at least one hour. Gauze can be replaced when it is soaked. 

Slight swelling may occur after extraction. This is normal and is no cause for alarm. An ice bag or a towel wrapped around crushed ice may be applied to the cheek, but for no more than ten minutes at a time. This procedure may be repeated at half-hour intervals.

If a prescription was given to you, take it as directed. If you were not prescribed medication, you may use acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen as directed for mild to moderate pain.

Continue to keep the rest of your mouth clean, brushing and flossing regularly. In the extraction area, rinse your mouth gently, again using a solution of 1⁄2 teaspoon of salt dissolved in a glass of warm water. Repeat several times that day. Do not rinse too briskly, as this can dislodge the clot trying to form.

Eat soft foods for the first 24-48 hours and avoid chewing on the extraction site.

Post-operative Instructions for Your Dentures

Your dentures have now been delivered to you.  Do not wear your dentures at night; they must be removed prior to bed to allow gum tissues to rest and allow for healing. Your complete dentures must never be allowed to dry out; they must be placed in water or kept in a denture cleaning solution when not in use. Every night and before you put in your dentures, please brush your gums, tongue, and palate with a soft brush. 

Do not drop dentures; they are fragile and might break if dropped.  Stand over a soft cloth or towel when handling your dentures. Store your dentures in a secure place away from children and pets.  

Clean Your dentures daily with a toothbrush to remove food particles, plaque, and foreign debris. Brushing your dentures on a routine basis also prevents permanent stains from adhering to your dentures. Use a soft-bristle brush and avoid a hard-bristle brush to clean your dentures. You may also use hand soap or mild dishwashing liquid to clean your dentures. Avoid using bleach to your denture as it might distort the color of your dentures. 

At first, only soft foods should be eaten with your new dentures. Soft mash potatoes, Jell-O, or yogurt are acceptable on your first day of wearing dentures.  After a few weeks, firmer foods can be introduced into your diet. Cut all your food into small pieces and eat slowly when you begin eating with your dentures. Chew on both sides to distribute biting forces evenly and prevent soreness on one spot.

During the first week of using your dentures, expect to see sore spots on your gums. It is recommended to return to InStyle Dental 24 hours and one week after your initial denture delivery to adjust your denture to prevent further soreness or ulcers on your gums. Return to your clinic for adjustments if soreness does not subside. After 2-4 weeks, most patients are able to learn how to eat and talk while wearing their dentures. For Complete Dentures, adhesives (example: Poligrip) can be used after 2-3 weeks to help in denture retention when eating and talking. 

Regular dental visits are still recommended to evaluate for denture and gum problems. The typical lifespan of dentures is between 5-10 years. 

These instructions will help you adjust to your new dentures and increase recovery time.

Post-operative Instructions for Immediate Dentures

Do NOT remove your immediate dentures for the first 24 hours after placement.  Removing your immediate dentures can cause swelling and make replacing your immediate dentures difficult and, in some cases, even impossible. 

You will see your dentist after 24 hours to have your gums, bone, extraction sites, and immediate dentures evaluated. Immediate dentures will be adjusted as needed.  

It is important to wear your immediate denture after initial delivery to protect your extraction sites, control swelling and bleeding. The fit of the immediate denture will change as your tissues and bone heal. Over time, bone ridges will change shape and reduce in size, and your immediate denture will not fit as it did in the beginning. An immediate denture is often only a temporary solution that will require a relining and a new permanent denture. A relining of the immediate denture is needed 3-5 months after initial placement. A new permanent denture is usually required within one year after your immediate dentures have been fabricated. A new permanent denture will fit more comfortably and have better retention. 

Do not drop dentures; they are fragile and might break if dropped. Stand over a soft cloth or towel when handling your complete dentures.  Store your dentures in a secure place away from children and pets.  

Clean your immediate dentures daily with a toothbrush to remove food particles, plaque, and foreign debris.  Brushing your dentures on a routine basis also prevents permanent stains from adhering to your dentures. Use a soft bristle brush and avoid a hard-bristle brush to clean your dentures.  You may also use hand soap or mild dishwashing liquid to clean your dentures.  Avoid using bleach to your denture as it might distort the color of your dentures. 

At first, only soft foods should be eaten with your new immediate dentures. Soft mash potatoes, jello, or yogurt is acceptable on your first day of wearing dentures.  After a few weeks, firmer foods can be introduced into your diet.  Cut all your food into small pieces and eat slowly when you begin eating with your dentures.  Chew on both sides to distribute biting forces evenly and prevent soreness on one spot.

After 2-4 weeks, most patients can learn how to eat and talk while wearing their dentures. After The extraction sites have healed (2-6 weeks), you may apply dental adhesive (example: polygraph) for better retention.

Post-operative Instructions for Sinus Exposure after an Extraction

Upper teeth, especially in the back of the upper jaw, are usually near the maxillary sinus. A risk of removing an upper tooth near the back of the upper jaw is exposure to the maxillary sinus.  Sinus exposures generally heal naturally and with few complications. The following are information and instructions to know and follow when a sinus exposure is encountered. 

Irregular nose bleeding from the side of the surgery is common. Please do not blow your nose aggressively for two weeks. There is a natural passageway between your sinus and nose.  Any pressure in your nose will be directly transferred to the sinus and into the extracted site, thus irritating sites and prolonging healing.  If you feel that your nose or sinus is severely congested on the side where the extraction was performed, please take the following:  Afrin (or  Sudafed),  Benadryl (or other anti-histamine substitutions), and Antibiotics (if prescribed) as prescribed. 

Please keep your tongue away from the extraction sites to allow the area to heal optimally.  If sutures were placed,  allow them to dissolve on their own,  which can take  2-5  days,  or return to the dental office to have them removed. Do not use straws for two weeks.  Do not smoke for two weeks. Using a straw or smoking will significantly prolong healing, and in some cases, allow for extraction sites or sinus to become infected. 

Please sneeze with your mouth open and never hold your nose as you sneeze. Avoid transferring pressure to your nasal cavity to prevent interference with the healing process. Do not lift heavy objects, suck out of a straw, blow up balloons, or any activity that might increase nasal pressure.  

Failure to follow these instructions could lead to a permanent opening between the extraction site and the sinus.  If this were to happen, additional surgery would be required, which would lead to further cost and recovery time.

Post-operative Instructions for Tooth Whitening

Tooth sensitivity might occur after whitening your teeth. Tooth sensitivity may last a few days and, on certain occasions, may last longer for some.  Using Sensodyne toothpaste may help alleviate tooth sensitivity.  Do not drink hot or cold liquids for the first 24 hours to prevent tooth sensitivity.  Stay away from foods or beverages that might stain your teeth for at least one week. Some foods that might cause tooth staining are berries, pomegranates, ketchup, mustard, soy, and tomato sauce. Some liquids that might cause tooth staining are coffee, dark tea, wine, and dark sodas. Stay away from tobacco products for at least 48 hours to prevent tobacco staining.

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