Do dental implants hurt?

The process of receiving dental implants can cause some discomfort. You will require a minor surgical procedure to place the implants in your jaw. Following your procedure, it’s normal to experience some pain and swelling while your mouth heals. Our team will provide you with detailed post-operative instructions and prescribed pain relievers (as needed) to help you manage any discomfort you may experience. 

Are dentures uncomfortable?

It takes a few weeks for your mouth to adjust to your new dentures. Your gums will feel tender and it will take some time to get used to eating. Should you experience any issues with your dentures, be sure to call our office right away for a follow-up.

Do you offer sedation?

Yes, we do! Our team offers laughing gas to help patients relax during a variety of procedures, including root canals, extractions, and dental emergencies. If you’re undergoing a lengthy or complex procedure, we also offer oral sedation. Be sure to discuss your treatment needs with our team to determine if sedation is right for you!

Does it hurt to have a tooth removed?

Having a tooth pulled can be a stressful experience, but you won’t experience any pain. Our doctor will administer local anesthesia to numb your mouth prior to your extraction. Following your procedure, we will provide you with a list of postoperative instructions, so be sure to follow them for a more comfortable recovery.

How long is a root canal procedure?

The length of your procedure will depend on your unique case, such as the position of your tooth and the condition of the tooth receiving treatment. Our dentist will explain what to expect during your root canal before your procedure.

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